
Filtros nos Protocolos usados para Mikrotik na versao 7

Filtros nos Protocolos usados para Mikrotik na versao 7

Para alterar a Distância em todas as rotas OSPF:

  • To change the Distance on just one OSPF route:
  • To discard an incoming Prefix:
  • To add a Comment to an OSPF route:
  • To discard OSPF routes based on the CIDR Length (greater than or equal to /31):
  • To change the OSPF Type-1 metric for a route:
  • To change from the default of a Type1 route to a Type2 route and change the metric:
    /routing filter rule
    add chain=OSPF_In disabled=no rule=”if ( protocol ospf ) { set distance 50; accept }”
    add chain=OSPF_In disabled=no rule=”if ( dst== ) { set distance 40; accept }”
    add chain=OSPF_In disabled=no rule=”if ( dst== ) { reject }”
    add chain=OSPF_In disabled=no rule=”if ( dst== ) { set comment To_Main_Tower }”
    add chain=OSPF_In disabled=no rule=”if ( dst-len >=31 ) { reject }”
    add chain=OSPF_Out disabled=no rule=”if ( dst== ) { set ospf-ext-metric 20 }”
    add chain=OSPF_Out disabled=no rule=”if ( dst== ) { set ospf-ext-type type2; set ospf-extmetric 25 }”

    Filtros comumente usados para RIP
  • To change the Distance on all RIP routes:
  • To change the Distance on just one RIP route:
  • To discard an incoming Prefix:
  • To add a Comment to a RIP route:
  • To discard RIP routes based on the CIDR Length (greater than or equal to /31):
    Commonly Used Filters for BGP
  • To change the Distance on all BGP routes:
  • To change the Distance on just one BGP route:
  • To change the Scope & Target Scope of an incoming route:
  • To discard an incoming Prefix:
  • To add a Comment to a BGP route:
    /routing filter rule
    add chain=RIP_In disabled=no rule=”if ( protocol rip ) { set distance 30; accept }”
    add chain=RIP_In disabled=no rule=”if ( dst== ) { set distance 40; accept }”
    add chain=RIP_In disabled=no rule=”if ( dst== ) { reject }”
    add chain=RIP_In disabled=no rule=”if ( dst== ) { set comment To_Main_Tower }”
    add chain=RIP_In disabled=no rule=”if ( dst-len >=31 ) { reject }”
    /routing filter rule
    add chain=BGP_In disabled=no rule=”if ( protocol BGP ) { set distance 10; accept }”
    add chain=BGP_In disabled=no rule=”if ( dst== ) { set distance 40; accept }”
    add chain=BGP_In disabled=no rule=”if ( dst== ) { reject }”
    add chain=BGP_In disabled=no rule=”if ( dst== ) { set comment To_Main_Tower }”
    add chain=BGP_In disabled=no rule=”if ( dst== ) { set scope 50; set scope-target
    35; accept }”

    Filtros comumente usados para BGP
  • To discard BGP routes based on the CIDR Length (greater than or equal to /24):
  • To set the BGP Weight:
  • To set the Local Preference:
  • To set the Path Prepend:
  • To change the Prepending of an incoming route:
  • To reject routes that have been Prepended more than 4 times:
  • To set the MED on incoming routes:
  • To set the MED on outgoing routes:
  • To set the IGP Metric:
    add chain=BGP_In disabled=no rule=”if ( dst-len >=24 ) { reject }”
    add chain=BGP_In disabled=no rule=” if ( dst== ) { set bgp-weight 50; accept }”
    add chain=BGP_In disabled=no rule=” if ( dst== ) { set bgp-local-pref 200; accept
    add chain=BGP_Out disabled=no rule=” if ( dst== ) { set bgp-path-prepend 10;
    accept }”
    add chain=BGP_In disabled=no rule=” if ( dst== ) { set bgp-path-peer-prepend 1;
    accept }”
    add chain=BGP_In disabled=no rule=” if ( dst== ) { set bgp-path-peer-prepend >
    4; reject }”
    add chain=BGP_In disabled=no rule=” if ( dst== ) { set bgp-med 50; accept }”
    add chain=BGP_Out disabled=no rule=” if ( dst== ) { set bgp-out-med 50; accept
    add chain=BGP_In disabled=no rule=” if ( dst== ) { set bgp-igp-metric 10; accept

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